team [ˈtiːm] :
une équipe animée d’un
véritable esprit d’entraide et d’entreprenariat.
élite [e.lit] :
toute personne qui exerce son métier avec plaisir et envie.
Dédiées aux technologies de pointe
Barrage de Pont-de-Poitte
Autonomes et Intelligents
ELITEAM GROUP was founded in 2009, in Alsace, by our President Maxime CREUX, who decided to create a unique concept that embraces Humans and technical skills into a same system.
This organization is actively centered around Human Values, the idea is that “if men and women work with pleasure and goodwill, they can only be Elite in their field“. To complete this, our President decided to add the concept of Team, a way to create a spirit of community and mutual cooperation, required to achieve a good job !
express the wide range of skills and services provided by the group. With its capabilities, ELITEAM represents a team of Elites, where each employee receives and instills positive energy to multiply the successes both professionally and personally.
Expertise at the service of performance
The synergy that takes place within ELITEAM INGENIOSITE is reflected in the involvement and enthusiasm of our Elites and the positive feedback they experience. Customers recognize the high value-added skills of our on-site experts to support and contribute to the success of their projects.
A Know-how and competences
Our expert consultants in the field of General Construction support our clients during the development of their current and future projects all around Switzerland.
Achieve your goals, exceed your expectations
The ability to anticipate and the curiosity of Eliteam’s members has enabled the progressive deployment of the company internationally. ELITEAM ENERGY hosts a concentration of intellectual, technical and deeply human skills united by the desire to carry out projects better than anyone!
Recognized as one of the major players for its expertise in engineering, assistance to project management and commissioning, ELITEAM is permanently involved alongside its customers and assumes full responsibility for each of the projects entrusted, both nationally and internationally. Today, it has a hundred employees around the world.